About me & this blog.

About me and this blog…

European married with children in Japan.

Welcome to my blog about anything Japan-related, life in Japan, being a twin mother, random talk about beauty products and Disney – a weird mix of my hobbies.

I’m 29 years old, I have a bachelors degree in Japanese and I’ve been married to a Japanese since April 2011 and together we have two identical twin girls born October 28th 2014, who will be raised to speak both Japanese and Danish.

I decided to create this blog to focus on a subject that really occupies my everyday life.: “Understanding Japanese”. Which doesn’t just mean the Japanese language, but also the Japanese people, because no matter how you look at it, European and Japanese are very different.

I hope to share everyday things, good and bad experiences, worries and joy, life in Japan as a foreigner, as a mother, as a wife as an individual and even cover certain topics related to Japanese society.

14 responses

  1. I found your blog and I really like it 😀 I’m an American married to a Japanese man. Are you planning on living in Japan with your husband?

    • Thank you very much for your comment! I love getting to know other foreigners who are married to Japanese men – I hope we can keep contact and talk more. Yes, I’m planning on living in Japan with my husband. In the matter of fact I’ll move to Japan next summer after my university graduation. What about you?

      • Well we both live in America right now but are moving there in June. We’ll be living in Chiba. What about you? 😀

    • That’s soon. XD My husband and I both dislike the Kanto area (Tokyo, Chiba etc) so we’re looking at houses in the Kansai area, mostly in Kyoto prefecture. The sad thing is that those other foreign girls married to Japanese men – like you, that I’ve met on the internet all live (or are going to live) in Tokyo. XD

      • I know this is a sort of late but I accidently came across your blog by accident looking up something fashion related, and I don’t live in the Kanto area, I live closer to Kansai 🙂 I am a non-Japanese female also married to a Japanese guy and I live on Shikoku Island so the nearest Kansai city would be Kobe&Osaka. I have been to and through Kyoto prefecture many times now, we went camping this summer not that far from Kyoto (in Ohtsu area). Like you I mostly find everyone foreign girl living in Tokyo or going to live there XD You said you are coming after summer to Japan, I wonder if your in Japan yet, unless you meant next year.

      • ‘Thank you for the comment. I’ll first move to Japan in 2014, since I’m doing my graduation thesis here in Denmark. I also fear that I’ll be hard to find foreign friends in Japan, who doesn’t live in Tokyo or Kanto. XD
        How come you live in Shikoku? Are you husband originally from there?

  2. Yes my husband lives here, he isn’t originally from Shikoku though, he is from a different part of Japan but its where he was living so that is why 🙂 But he and I don’t care to live up in Tokyo even if we could, if we ever move we would prefer Kansai or some other area more south like Kyushu. Yes its really hard to make foreign friends in other areas of Japan other than the popular Kanto area, I have no foreign friends here where I live 😦 I only have a Japanese friend in my area. I have a foreign friend she is from Spain but she lives up in Tokyo 😦 Oh I see next year you will come, that is a little bit far away, enjoy cheese and bread while you can! (I really miss the variety of cheese and good bread). I see your lovely wedding kimono picture as the banner^-^ I love the clothes you picked out in Japan, do you have a favorite brand in Japan?

    • Hi, I’m sorry I didn’t reply to your comment. I have a lot of exams in the moment and I won’t be able to be active with this blog before I finish my graduation thesis next month. Though I would like to keep in contact with you – since even though Kansai and Shikoku is a bit far, I’m always looking to connect with other Japanese-married, foreign women in Japan, even if it’ll only be online contact. I think women like us need our own network – since even foreign men have a different situation when living in Japan, than us women do. If you do have facebook, please feel free to add me, my name is Isabella Kayashima.
      I’m not sure if I have a favorite brand of clothes in Japan (or anywhere), I have favorite brands of make-up, nailpolish and such, but not clothes. Though I’ll always find something in Honeys. I also think my problem in Japan is the Japanese one-size (often M), since even though I’m a regular size girl (I use M, in Europe/US), I have a big bust and can often not fit into the Japanese M-sized shirts XD Those shirts are not made for girls with boobies. haha. So I love that Honeys have L-sized shirts. At least I can fit into the M/L sized shoes.

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